Natasha Singh, a 28-year-old model from Janpath, exudes a fiery and passionate energy that sets her apart. She completed her schooling in the local area and went on to study dance at a prestigious institution in Delhi. While working as a dancer in a local club, our agency discovered her unique style and magnetic presence. Since then, she has honed her skills and developed a signature style that blends sensuality with strength, making her an ideal choice for private nude dance parties or club parties.
Get The Everlasting Escort Service To Please Your Mind -Natasha Singh
69 Position
Erotic massage
Overnight stays
Girlfriend Experience (GFE)
Dinner Companion
Blowjob with Condom
Cum on Face
DFK - Deep French kissing
Sex in Different Positions
1 hour
2,000 INR
2,500 INR
Per shot
1,500 INR
2,000 INR